About the Smart Way online personnel testing system
About Smart Way

Smart Way – a platform for personnel assessment and training

  • Building high-quality teams: Smart Way helps to conduct a detailed assessment of candidates in the recruitment process with professional tests, which helps in selecting the best candidates to form productive teams.
  • Systemic training and staff development: LMS Smart Way automates the training process, including knowledge assessment and reporting.
  • Performance Improvement: A key goal of the system is to improve team productivity to increase business profitability by automating employee assessment and training.
Personnel testing

Recruit the best, develop the potential candidates

The Smart Way personnel testing system is a set of selected and proven methods for assessing candidates for employment and evaluating current employees for their development and creating a talent pool.


Selection of the best

Based on the test results, you will know the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates


Build a productive team

Choose candidates with the right motivation, low burnout levels, and other key attributes


Develop your staff

A comprehensive test will provide development recommendations in addition to strengths and weaknesses

LMS Smart Way

Smart Way is an online platform
for employee training

LMS Smart Way is an online platform for personnel training that will help you improve staff efficiency, reduce training costs, make training easier to access and more user-friendly. The platform helps to increase staff productivity, create a corporate knowledge base, automate the process of adaptation of newcomers, and facilitate continuous development.

  • Productivity growth
  • Corporate knowledge base
  • Automated onboarding for new employees
  • Automated training and evaluation
  • Systemic personnel development
  • Creation of personnel reserve
  • Training at a convenient time
  • Mobile-friendly training

Why do I need a Smart Way?


of the best







candidate testing system line

Who is Smart Way useful for?

CEO & Founder
  • Selecting the most effective and motivated candidates using the testing system
  • Automated training system will reduce staff training costs
  • LMS Smart Way will ensure staff training productivity when utilizing the "Knowledge Control" feature
  • Increased profitability due to a well selected and trained team
  • Reduction of staff turnover costs. Properly selected and trained candidates effectively working for more than 3 years
For Recruiters
  • The quality of selection is significantly improved
  • Vacancies are closing faster
  • Most candidates successfully complete the probationary period
  • Fluidity decreases
  • Saves about 40% of your working time. Candidates are tested online, without your involvement
  • Objective assessment tool
  • A detailed candidate report will help you make a quick and correct decision
  • Makes it much easier to recruit candidates with no experience
For training and development specialists
  • User-friendly system for creating training material
  • Automated knowledge control function
  • Ability to create training courses in multiple languages
  • It’s convenient to learn from your mobile phone
  • Test builder for knowledge assessment
  • Soft Skills assessment methodology will provide recommendations on employee development
  • Periodic re-testing will show the employee's developmental dynamics
  • Identifying an employee's motivational type will help you understand how to motivate and develop them
  • Tracking burnout levels will allow burned-out employees to restart in a timely manner and help prevent them from leaving the company
For candidates
  • If you are being tested, it means that the Company is concerned about the staff and is committed to selecting the best ones
  • You get the opportunity to work in a team of the best
  • Once you pass the tests, the likelihood of getting a job increases significantly
  • If you are rejected based on the results of the test, it means you have saved your time and nerves, because most likely you would not have passed the probationary period. Rejection does not mean that you are a bad candidate, rejection means that the vacancy needs a candidate with other qualities
Recruitment agencies
  • Makes it much easier to "sell"the candidate to the employer, as you provide the customer with a detailed report on the candidate
  • Increases the likelihood of a candidate passing the probation period, reduces the likelihood of a guaranteed replacement of the candidate
  • Improves the quality of your recruitment and your reputation
  • Save time evaluating candidates
For recent school leavers
  • Career orientation. The test report contains recommendations on specialties that are most suitable for a given personality type. By taking the test, school leavers will be able to more easily decide on their future profession

Simple and convenient!


Auto-renewal subscription

Subscribe and forget. No need to worry

about timely payments or access being blocked.


No restrictions

Services are available in all countries (except Russia and Belarus).

Payment by Visa or Mastercard, no SWIFT required.


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Request a free demo

Try it for free, with no restrictions or obligations.

Demo access has the full functionality of the commercial version.

  • Saving $216
  • $90 $72 /month * Annual prepayment
  • Subscribe to module:
    Personnel Testing
  • Professional test techniques for assessing candidates for recruitment
    Test methods for assessing current employees
    Test Builder
    Detailed reporting with test results
    Mobile-friendly version
    Multilingual support
    Support and counselling
    99.99% uptime SLA
    Up to 500 candidates per month (if you need more, contact us)
  • Saving $336
  • $140 $112 /month * Annual prepayment
  • Module subscription:
  • Unlimited amount of materials
    Unlimited number of courses
    Unlimited number of administrators
    Unlimited testing (only for tests created in the test builder)
    Up to 500 employees
    Detailed reporting with test results
    Mobile-friendly version
    Multilingual support
    Support and counselling
    99.99% uptime SLA
  • Saving $468
  • ALL
  • $195 $156 /month * Annual prepayment
  • Subscribe to all modules
  • Professional test techniques for assessing candidates for recruitment
    Test methods for assessing current employees
    Test Builder
    Up to 500 candidates per month (if you need more, contact us)
    Unlimited amount of materials
    Unlimited number of courses
    Unlimited number of administrators
    Unlimited testing (only for tests created in the test builder)
    Up to 500 employees
    Detailed reporting with test results
    Mobile-friendly version
    Multilingual support
    Support and counselling
    99.99% uptime SLA
  • Customised solutions for those needing more than standard packages
  • Adding individual test methods
    Development of individual functionality
    Dedicated server
    Dedicated domain
    Ability to add more than 500 employees
    Ability to test more than 500 candidates
    Any other requests...
*Prices are up-to-date and informative. You can purchase services only in your personal cabinet.
What people say about us

Feedback from our clients

review of Smart Way online candidate testing platform by Khomenko Irina

Мені дуже сподобалася можливість підбирати кандидатів віддалено за допомогою Smart Way. Досить 5-ти хвилинного інтерв'ю по телефону, відправити тест і отримати об'ємний звіт на 6 аркушів в якому про кандидата є вся необхідна для мене інформація!

Хоменко Ірина

review of Smart Way online candidate testing platform by Andrey Avdeev

С помощью Smart Way закрыли уже немало вакансий, я доволен качеством подобранной команды. Оценка личностных качеств очень детальная, развернутая. Ранее мне было сложно принимать решения, постоянные сомнения из-за недостатка информации. Теперь отчёт по кандидату мне облегчил процесс принятия решения.

Авдеев Андрей

CEO & Founder
review of Smart Way online candidate testing platform by Yaroslav Grigorenko

Системою тестування персоналу користуємося відносно недавно, для нас це перший досвід, але вже з упевненістю можу сказати, що Smart Way економить час на підбір.

Григоренко Ярослава

review of Smart Way online candidate testing platform by Nikolai Shinkevich

Перепробовали несколько различных систем оценки персонала, остановили свой выбор на Smart Way. Основные причины: понятный и качественный отчёт по результатам тестирования, никаких графиков и точек, всё расписано простым языком, не нужно обучать сотрудников пользоваться системой. Нравится ценовая политика.

Шинкевич Николай

review of the Smart Way online candidate testing platform by Elvira Alpisova

С помощью системы тестирования Smart Way провели оценку soft skils наших сотрудников, сформировали индивидуальные планы развития. Стоит отметить, что сотрудники заинтересованы, проходят тесты с удовольствием, просят обратную связь и рекомендации по развитию.

Elvira Alpisova